Sunday, June 13, 2010

I was talking with a friend one day, she is a little older than I am, and I said something about having an orgasm without penetration.
Now don't ask me how that came up I just don't remember but ask anyone stuff like that always seems to come up when talking with me,
She asked how that was possible, it took me back a minute hearing that question asked. I said well most women have an orgasm with their clit which is on the outside so we don't need penetration. She shared with me that she had never had an orgasm. This was not surprising to me because I have heard that so many times before it just saddens me that women still don't know how to fully enjoy the wonders of sex. This brings me back to the subject of masturbation. Why do so many women have a hang up about touching themselves?

I will say my daughters have some of this down better than most older women. They are really lucky to live in a time when it's ok to have a vibrator, that you can get on line mailed right to your house. But just a piece of advice to the younger generation be proud of who you are. One of my bonus daughters had a vibrator which her mother found in her bed. When she asked her about it she told her it wasn't hers it belonged to a friend. RULE # 1 never share your friend's vibrators and if you do better to claim it as yours then say it belongs to a friend in this case. :)

I look at this two ways really, the first one is why not do it myself if I don't have someone to do it for me. Think about it this way, I love having my hair brushed everyone knows brushing my hair will get them out of any kind of work or trouble. But there is not always someone around to brush my hair so I have to do it myself sometimes. Yes I like it better when I can just sit back and let someone else do the work but if I want that pleasure I just have to do it. I like to go to the movies, I like having someone else there with me to share the experience but if no one can go and I really want to see the movie I go alone, or I love going to the ocean and walking the beach it is really nice to having someone to walk with but sometimes I like going alone it allows me to walk as long or as short as I want without having to worry about what the other person wants or needs.
I could add more but I think you see my point. There is no reason for not going it alone if you want to or feel the desire and have no one around willing to go with you.

Which brings me to the second reason I think women should know how to touch themselves. Remember when I talked about men not knowing instinctively how to please a woman? Well how are we ever going to teach them what we like if we don't even know?  Are we just to wait around for the one guy who knows what women like? Because I can almost promise that the reason he knows is that some woman taught him. SO learn about your body, how it likes to be touched, hard or soft, fast or slow. Learn about different times of the month how it likes things differently. Then once you know how to have an orgasm you can teach any man in your life just how to touch you.

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